Wednesday, October 28, 2009

In Mourning

Yes, Alina's dear bunny died last night. Poor Mallace, she tried so hard to hold back her tears when I told her that her bunny had died. She kept saying "I know she's not dead. I'm going to go see her. She's not dead." before bursting into tears. I almost cried with her, it was soooooooooo sad.

Granted, she hadn't taken such good care of the creature and was more content to know that it existed than to care for it, heh. But indubitably she loved it.

We made a little grave for it with a cross and "tombstone" and she collected some flowers to put on it. Oh well, one more pet added to our cemetery. This rabbit actually survived for a pretty long time -- one whole year. Her last bunny lasted only a couple of weeks.

By the way, Ange, the rose bush you gave her is still alive, heh.

1 comment:

  1. Poooooooooooooooor Alina :( My heart hurts for her... death is so sad... sniff :(
