Monday, October 19, 2009

Bit of News

Just got back from the movies and I don't feel as tired as I should be, thanks to this great daylight saving time thingie that started this weekend. It's screwing up mine and Laura's body clocks ... quite tragic!

Oh, yes, Kim and Kalen arrived from Mexico last Thursday and Alina has been very happy with her new friend. He's a year and 2 weeks older than her and a very sociable little fellow.

Alina on the other hand, even though she's happy to have a friend, somehow hasn't gotten over her preschooler phase of bonking a playmate on the head with a toy when they do something she doesn't like.

She's so big that sometimes I forget she's only 5. Not like that means that she can get away with beating up the little guy, hehe.

Well, I'm really hoping that they'll get along great because it's been a while since she's had someone closer to her age and she sure could stand to learn how to interact harmoniously with her kind, ha! He plays dollhouse with her though, and she told me today that she's happy about that.

Ah well, I better go to bed and try to get some sleep anyway because I know that I'll be wiped tomorrow morning if I don't.

1 comment:

  1. Ick, daylight savings is KILLING me... I think I dozed off in class last night :(

    Yes, I know it's not cool to be a bully, but hehehehehe, I laughed out loud at Alina's antics :D At least she'll never be a push-over :)
