Friday, March 12, 2010

Laurie's Progress

The crazy monkey was dry for most of the day and used panties for the first time in her little life! She also did quite well in her fine motor-coordination skills activities today.

She doesn't say a single word yet, but understands most everything that's said to her and already knows her daily routines. She's really into getting her own plate and spoon at every meal (and any time she feels like it throughout the day), and likes being read to and "reading" books by herself now.

Unfortunately, she's becoming a picky eater. I read an interesting article the other day about toddlers and their pickiness when it comes to eating and how at this age they're extra sensitive to textures -- it's their big thing. It's new for me because Alina skipped this phase, as well as the "terrible twos" (luckily for me).

I noticed that Laura stopped gobbling everything that was served to her. For example, before she would eat zucchini and think nothing of it, whereas now she'll take a bite of food and if there's a piece of zucchini in it -- no matter how small -- she'll try to take the piece out of her mouth. And if that doesn't work, then she'll spit it out. Very exciting new phase of her life! Argh!!!!

It's very funny when she comes running up to me pointing in whichever direction and babbling away thinking that she's talking. Oh, and she doesn't know how to say "no", so you can ask her anything and she'll nod her head to say "yes" (not like that's progress though).

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