Having fun with the fan:
Trying to get Laura to sit still so that we could take a photo of our beautifully painted toenails ... obviously it didn't work:
Pretending she's a good girl:
This was from the day she decided to hose herself down (and she wasn't the least bit sorry):
She likes taking a shower by herself, but hates it when I wash her hair:
Such a big girl!
(that purple-green spot by her eye is a bruise she got one afternoon when she was with Miche)
Watching the rain (which they were able to do to everyday since it rained for a whole week):
Couch potato:
Another rainy day:
Silly girl:
Last Sunday Alina wanted to make cookies for her to munch on while she watched Disney's Robin Hood. So I made these vanilla blobs and she was supposed to help me, but completely forgot because she took a very long time to eat lunch and then went off to read. They don't look good but they tasted good enough, hehe, and the girls were quite happy with them :). They are definitely the easiest cookies in the world to make!
The piggie with 2 in her hand and eyeing the plate with the rest of them:
Reading (some more) before watching the video:
Oh, look! It's the couch potato again!
These are from today ... she finally managed to hold the umbrella up and walk around at the same time:
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