Saturday, August 29, 2009

Wiped Out

Gosh, today was pretty tiring! Well actually, it started with a tiring night (no, it's not what you're probably thinking). Last week we received a truckload of personal hygiene items to distribute at our social project. And so last night I carried a ton of boxes of shampoo and cream rinse, organized a ton of bags with different products, and left things all nice and ready to distribute today. Naturally, it killed my back (which had already been hurting for the past 2 weeks).

Anyhow, we had a small English immersion today in which I helped out a bit, and in the afternoon I had singing practice with a dozen of the Project kids. They're going to perform at an auction that a supporter will be hosting in September.

I'm trying to persuade myself that they're singing better, although I can't help worrying that when the time comes for them to sing they're going to forget everything and sing even more off key than they already do.

Yes, well, after that I took photos of the monthly birthday party we have for underprivileged kids, began making next week's schedule, hung up a load of laundry, ironed laundry, distributed the ton of stuff I'd separated the night before, ironed more laundry, organized my room, took a shower, and feel like collapsing.

I figured out why I feel extra tired: it's because I spent most of the day on my feet which, due to my health issues, kills me. At least I can relax now while Gabriel puts Laura to sleep. I think we're going to watch a movie afterwards.

Tired as I am, I feel pretty content knowing that lots of kids went home really happy today due to ours and others' efforts. Hurrah for a full life!

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