Latest news flash: Alina's third tooth fell out this evening ... so exciting! A few pics of Alina at the Festa Junina we went to last Saturday: Fishing prizes: Uncle Rafa being bothersome as always:
Tonight Alina and other folks are going to go to a friend's Festa Junina. I still don't know if I'm going to go or not because one of my childhood friends will be passing through here with his family on their way back to Brasilia. From where he will move to Pakistan to carry on his missionary work.
I'm gonna miss you Topher, sniff.
We were going to have our Festa Junina towards the end of July, but we realized that we won't get around to organizing it because we'll be quite busy with my brother and sisters visiting.
Aside from Christmas and New Years, it's the funnest celebration of the year, for me, that is. And there's soooooooo much good food! I will be missing out on all of it this year unless I go tonight.
Yes, we're finally having a family reunion after I-don't-know-how-many-years. Ange said it was 20 so it must be since her memory is better than mine. Or maybe I was just very small the last time all of us were together.
Anyhow, my two older sisters will be arriving next Wednesday, my other sister will arrive on the 7th, and we'll be going to Rio on the 8th. My brother and his wife will be arriving on the 10th, and Lord willing, we'll be back home on the 17th.
It's our wedding anniversary on the 18th and we had plans to celebrate it, but I don't think we'll be able to do anything until August, sigh.
And in August I'll be gone for a week attending an educator's seminar. Fun, fun, fun!
Yes siree, this fat monkey turned 9 months old yesterday.
The Home had a special dinner to celebrate the victories from this month and to acknowledge mine and Cri's birthdays. I took advantage of the occasion to take pics of Laurabee since it was her birthday as well and she was dressed so cutely.
She now has 4 teeth, and thus can skillfully bite. Ouchie! She's getting more daring in letting go of whatever she's holding onto and standing for a couple of seconds. Thankfully, she doesn't freak out every time she bonks her head, which is a frequent occurrence due to her nuttiness.
Such a piggie: Why so serious? She got tired of munching on crackers and her shoe sure looked tasty:
Yes, I'm still a size larger. Waaaaaaaa! The girls with their lovely aunt Marina: Munching, again: My Dad's great photography: This one is from this morning. It's our rest day, but I do believe I've forgotten what a real sleep-in is like, thanks to naughty, naughty Laura.
That would be Alina. She's huge! It's strange sometimes to think that I have a 5-year-old daughter and that soon enough she'll be a pre-teen. At least she got over her phase of thinking she was a "4-year-old teen", as she liked to call herself.
Lately she's accquired some not-nice habits which really bother me. Changes are on the way though, with her present schoolmate leaving and another arriving. I'm hoping she'll adjust easily and get along with her future classmate.
This first school semester is almost over and she completed first Grade in English, quite quickly, actually. My brother is bringing her Grade 2 books and hopefully she'll start them next month.
She really enjoys learning and is excited about the tests she'll be taking next week. I'm pretty sure this joy for taking tests won't last long, ha!
These photos are from last month the month before. Uncle Rafa pretending to be mean: Ah, that's better. An ostrich egg a friend brought over: Having a paint fight with the teens. Her great participation was running around trying not to get too much paint on herself, heh.
Her team (her uncle and aunts): Having a mini tea party: Reading about the Boston Tea Party: Lunch at the great-grandparents' place with her aunt Marina and cousin Taís:
A lovely up-the-nose shot: With auntie Marina in the hut the kids made:
My "birthday week" didn't start so well because I came down with a nasty cold. Thankfully, I was better by the end of the week. Something real nice though was that I got to go to Caraça with my hubby, Laura, and the teens. Aside from being sick and the bit of work involved, it was quite enjoyable.
I love that place! I was quite happy it worked out for me to go a couple of days before my birthday and above all, that my Love was there.
The night before my birthday Gabriel and I had some wine and chocolate over a movie. The night after that we went out with Alina for dinner and my parents joined us later. My sister Marina kindly took my place in busking so that I could go out. Thanks, Marix!
Saturday night we had our 4th In-House gourmet dinner which I helped out in and my dear friend Angie called. She'll be coming for a visit on the 3rd of next month. I'm sooooo very happy about that! I haven't seen her in 8 and a half years. Too long.
On Sunday we went out for an ice cream, which was Alina's idea, but ended up getting delicious pizza cones and beer and watched the soccer game of Brazil vs. Italy. We still got the ice cream afterwards, so the outing was twice as good.
Thanks, Love, for making my birthday special, and all my friends as well who wrote or called and added to the specialness. It meant a lot to me
In times past I'd actually cry when one of my closer friends forgot my birthday because it was a big thing for me. Thankfully I got over that, although I still get extra emotional on my day, don't know why. Maybe it's because the reality that I'm getting older hits me and I start thinking a bit more about my life, and the future is always scary. At least for me it is because I hate uncertainties and that's what futures amount to.
Oh right, on Friday the kids and I made gelatin for our snack, since we all like it, and they made a cute card for me. They were more excited about my birthday than I was.
So, I'm a quarter-of-a-century-old and all I can say is that God has been good, so very good, to me. I think I've gone through some pretty rough and ultra low times in my life, but Jesus pulled me through each one of them and I live to tell the tale. And not only did He pull me through, but He blessed my life in such a wondrous way by giving me a wonderful guy to be my husband, and my beautiful, smart monkey-daughters.
Here are some pics from the weekend.
A toast: Exhausted me and a little nut in the background: Eating out. Alina chooses what she wants: Grape juice and french-fries for the minor: I do believe french-fries are Alina's favorite food: Waiting for our food: We arrived home to this: Which soon did this: And then this: Pizza cones before ice cream: Waiting for my Dad to pick us up: