Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Pics from the Benefit Dinner

 Some family shots by the Christmas tree before the guests arrive:

My beautiful younger sister Marina:

The chef and her helpers:

The Mother and some friends:

The Father and some relatives:

My friend Gracielle and her boyfriend:

This was around 1 a.m. and the little nut had woken up and refused to go back to sleep. She put on my shoes and pranced around in them for over an hour. I'm pretty sure she thought she was awesome.

 Then she tried on Grandma's shoes since I put mine away.

The dinner was a success! 

Hats off to the Mother who almost single-handedly organized the whole event in the space of two weeks, or less. It was a lot of work and I don't know how she managed to pull it off.

Such a hero. 

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