Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Movies and a Birthday Party

We took the girls to the movies this week to watch "The Smurfs" and they enjoyed it. Course, almost any outing to the movies is fun. 

Alina has gotten over crying every time something bad happens to the "good guy" and can sit through most kid movies. Laura on the other hand will watch ANYTHING. A regular couch potato. 

She's really into dancing and "singing" (she doesn't say all that many words, yet), and so throughout the movie whenever an upbeat song would play, she'd stand up and start dancing or wiggle around in her seat to the beat of the music.

Then just tonight (well, last night since it's past midnight) they went to one of Alina's classmate's birthday party which was held at a bowling alley. Alina actually played this time. Progress. She ate the yummy snacks, had fun with her friends, and was happy until it was time to come home.

Laura, as usual, was a little nut running around, dancing her behind off to the sound of the music coming from the loudspeakers. Needless to say, she had fun. Plenty of it.

Waiting in line:

1 comment:

  1. the first pic is really nice. It's nice to see a great bonding between two little sisters.

