Monday, August 15, 2011

Father's Day

Technically, we have a little more than five weeks of winter left, but the weather has been warming up (thank God) and we had a weather-perfect Father's Day. We started it off with a pretty healthy breakfast of strawberry-pear-apple-melon-banana-raisin-grape fruit salad, cream, and gooseberry syrup which Mommy made while Daddy slept in.

Later on we had a little barbecue, just our family, since the rest of the folks were traveling, out, or other-wise engaged. The meat was delicious, thanks to Daddy's barbecue-making skills. I'm happy we were able to celebrate "his day" together. 

It's a pity my Dad wasn't here as well, but he's having a much-needed vacation so we can't complain.

Oh, right, and I made mayonnaise and barbecue sauce for the first time. Yay for me.

Actually, yay for all the fantastic fathers I know. Great guys who sacrifice for their families, who help out in the house, who care and "are there" for their children, who do fun things, and are good role models. The world needs more guys like them!

On to some photos from our day.


A happy father with barbecued picanha:

Enjoying the good food:


Daddy and the girls:

Laurie making a face + Mommy blinking = great shot ... not.


 A pose:
 Swimming again after 3-and-a-half months without doing so:

Granadilla mousse Mommy made for dessert (with fresh fruit, hence the seed particles):

1 comment:

  1. pic no. 3 and 4 are very cute.....................
