Thursday, June 14, 2012

Of Viruses, Bugs, and Sicky-ness

These past couple of months have been rough for us on the health front. Sigh. First, Laurie got an awful cough that lasted for a few weeks. Simply put, she had an allergy to pollution and sinusitis, poor child. After taking a ton of antibiotics for a couple of weeks she got better, only to get sick with a tummy bug a couple of days later. 

All of that was finally over when Gabriel has an asthma attack and is bedridden for a day or two. He gets better, and then Alina comes down with a horrid tummy-bug-virus-thingie for several days. She missed school for most of the week (this week), precisely when they're gonna have the Festa Junina and she had to practice for the dance. 

I got the same yucky bug in the beginning of the week and was bedridden for one whole day. I had a test that night, the last of the semester (thank God!), which I couldn't miss. Ack! Dragged myself through the test, though I'm quite sure my brain stayed home, and plopped back into bed as soon as I got back. Thankfully, the awfulness was short-lived and the next day I was feeling good enough to go to work (which had kindly piled up).

Alina's school dance is tomorrow and I'm hoping she'll feel alright. Poor thing, she's been looking forward to it for a whole year (since last year's party, heh) and she'll be extremely disappointed if she doesn't go. Festa Juninas only come once a year, and even though she'll go to the one at Laurie's school, she won't participate in the dances since they'll be only for the students.

Speaking of viruses, my computer at work crashed earlier this month. Thank God I had a fairly recent back-up of important files so hardly anything was lost.

Conculsion: viruses are a pain, be they in your body or in your computer!

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