Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Project Alina: 7-9 months old

Lili learned how to crawl when she was 7 months, but that didn't last long because she soon learned how to move around upright by holding onto things with one or both hands. By eight months, she could stand by herself without holding onto anything for short periods of time and could take a few steps before falling when she was nine months old. She began saying a few words when she was eight months, the first being "mama". She was weaned at nine months and was the proud owner of 6 teeth by that time.

The seven-month-old princess:


Posing on a potty:

Her first Festa Junina and my 20th birthday:

Who's that?

Look at me!

Eight months old:

With her aunt Marina:

Knawing a bone in a lazy fashion:

Smiley baby:

Grandma holding her in her aunt's riding boots:

Standing by herself for the first time:

Happy with mommy:

In her very own "parking lot" with some of her vehicles:

These are from when she was nine months old:

Posing with the hippo -- her first time at the zoo:

Exploring the yard:

Still enjoys sucking on a chubby toe ... or foot:

Look at those top teeth!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Fries, Pizza, and Juice.

A winning combination!


Hello, Kitties!

About 3 weeks ago, my sister, Marina, discovered that some random cat had had kittens on our roof so she took them out and set up a cozy bed for them. They were so tiny and obviously only a couple of days old. 

Sadly, one of them disappeared a few days later and my sister then traveled for two weeks. Alina was left in charge of feeding them and she was pretty faithful to do so without having to be reminded. 

Then last week they opened their eyes and now they can get up and wobble around. Both of the girls are thrilled with these cute little creatures!

Kids in the Kitchen

On Sunday I was making fruit salad when Laura came up to me and said, "Me, help!".  So I got out a cutting board and [blunt] knife, washed some bananas, and let her slice away. When she was done with that, I gave her some strawberries to cut up, but since the knife wasn't sharp, the "slices" ended up all mushy.

Luckily for me, she's still in the phase where she likes to help. Be it hanging up laundry, folding and putting away laundry, washing dishes, or turning on the fan, she's always enthusiastic about it.
Peeling the banana: 


Doing a terrific job cutting the banana:

Alina has the slicing-bananas down pretty good. So good, in fact, that this morning she made a humble fruit salad for her and Laurie all by herself. She was very proud about that, as was I.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Project Alina: 4-6 months old

Alina was the happiest baby I've known! And she was a pretty easy one to take care of as well. When she was five months old she learned how to drink from a cup and make bubbles in it. She sat up all by herself for the first time when she was almost 6 months, and a couple of weeks later she began scooting herself backwards in a crawling position. She also began eating solids (papaya and apple) when she was 4 months, and her first tooth came in when she was almost 5 1/2 months old.  

Happy baby:

Chubby wubby!

Getting some sun:

With uncle Rafael and auntie Marina:

Thrilled to be eating:

Five months old:

Tasting my sock:

A silly tongue!


She had just sat up for the first time:

First Mother's Day:

Six months old and already a big rascal!

Doing push-ups in her crib:
She figured out how to pull herself to a standing position ... and munch on her crib (hence the cloth):


I can sit!

I like my toys!