Friday, December 13, 2013

Of Tooth Fairies and Santa Claus

Laurie's first tooth fell out a month ago, at 5 years and 1 1/2 months old. I was waiting to get the pics off my phone, but since I don't know when that'll be, I'll just post this and add the pics later. 

Her tooth fell out at school and she proudly showed it to me when she arrived home. It was already all clean, so she placed it under her pillow and informed me that the Tooth Fairy was going to bring her a surprise for it. The "Tooth Fairy" almost forgot, but thankfully she remembered right before Laurie woke up the next morning. 

Laurie was soooooooooo excited to look under her pillow to see what was there. I read the note the Tooth Fairty left with the surprise and then she asked me (in a mixture of Portuguese, English, and made-up words), "Is the Tooth Fairy for real?". I asked her if she thought it was, and she replied, "Yes!" Alrighty then, if you say so. :)

Her latest "is this real" questioning is about Santa, naturally, with Christmas right around the corner. I think that here in Brazil we don't have as many Santa traditions as in other places. He's a major part of Christmas decorations, presents, and all that. However, there isn't that tradition that builds up the kids' expectation of him and Christmas Day, like setting out cookies and milk, etc. 

Maybe she's a bit confused because she watches Christmas movies that show a certain [american] version of Christmas, but then "real life" is different. We personally don't make a big deal of it. If she thinks that Santa will be bringing her presents we don't need to spoil the excitement by informing her that actually it's her parents (and grandparents, and whoever else) who brings/gives them. She should be able to enjoy letting her imagination run wild ... it is, after all, one of the joys of being a child.

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