We ended up having three Christmas celebrations: one on the 24th at my grandparents', another on Christmas day, and our Christmas dinner on the 26th. Very nice!
Here are a ton of pics of the monkeys and the rest of us.
Mom made the food ... deeeeelicious! Laura with Grandma and Grandpa: Lusting after Daddy's beer: Uh-oh! So naughty! I like! Grandpa was super mean and smeared lemon pie on Laura:
Here are some lovely shots of everyone looking really tired on Christmas morn.
Alina took this pic of me trying not to crush my Love: Laura wouldn't sit still for more than a second, so it was quite challenging to take any semi-decent pics of her. Alina happy with her big, big bag which contained one of her presents: Tired everyone: Exchanging gifts: Alina and Kalen smothering their new pet bunny (let's see how long this one will last, heh): Our traditional Christmas brunch: The girls having loads of fun with one of Laura's presents: Christmas in Belo isn't Christmas if it doesn't rain. And it sure rained, thus spoiling the girls' water play.
We ended this wonderful day by going to a nearby city to do a performance which was supposed to be 40 minutes long but ended up being more than an hour because we were asked to sing again to the late guests. It was worth it though.
Arrived home at 11:00 p.m. exhausted but happy that we ended our Christmas singing marathon on a good note.
The little nuts spending quality time together: Showing off her teeth: Alina helping to make Christmas cookies (don't ask me why she has that enormous bow on her head): Last Sunday after the project party, we took the kids down to the lake to rollerblade ... a beautiful, sunny afternoon.
Alina strikes a pose while Laura looks lost:
Alina and her poses ... tsk, tsk. And to end our outing, nothing better than an ice-cold coconut: Eating out at a churrascaria last Thursday: Waiting at a mall before singing at the next place: No, she's not drinking Coke. It's orange and acerola juice.