Naturally, these derived from Alina's ever-active, fertile mind.
While brushing her hair one day: "I think that in most of the countries, when the kids grow up, they get taller than their moms because they keep growing and growing, and their moms keep getting shorter and shorter."
While having snack one day: "Oh, I wish I knew where the ants lived because then I could carry their food to their house for them!"
"I'm a regular bookworm because I like to read!"
"When I grow up, I'm going to be a writer like Jo (from Little Women)."
A "piece of encouragement" (as she called it) that she wrote to me: "Bobi, I love you and I want you to know that I love Laura, but it's hard to love her when she bothers me. Please help me. With lots of love, Alina." (she even signed her name in cursive 'cause it's special)
She wrote her second poem a couple of weeks ago and was all proud of herself:
When I feel sad,
I'll ask God to make me glad;
For me to see
How fun life can be!
And she wrote a short story some days ago and proclaimed it to be her first story ever (guess she doesn't think that writing stories during school counts, heh). I can't find the notebook that she wrote it in, but she was quite proud of the feat (she even remembered to put a title) and according to her, she now has to go on to the next step to becoming a writer which is to write a song (since she already wrote a poem and a story).
She has quite forgotten her dream of becoming an artist and all she talks about now is how she wants to be a famous writer and wants "everyone all over the world to read my poems and things I write because it will make them so happy".
Well, that's certainly better to hear then her moping about how she doesn't have any talents and how she doesn't know how to do anything.