Saturday, May 14, 2011

School and Stuff

The month before last I was finally able to set up an arts and crafts/play/homework area for the girls. Progress.

Here's something my second grader wrote at school:

Uma Família
Uma família representa amor, carinho, paz, segurança, e confiança. Uma família dár tudo que você precisa: comida, água, roupas e brinquedos. Eles também botam você em boas escolas para você ter uma boa educação e fazer muitos amigos. Tem algumas crianças órfãs que não tem família e estão muito tristes. Nós podemos ajudar elas a serem mais felizes. Minha família é tudo pra mim. Eu gosto muito da minha família e eles gostam muito de mim. 

And here's one of her works of art: 

Daddy and Lili making a school model:

Taking it to school:

Last Saturday the girls and I attended our first mass ever which was held at Alina's school to celebrate Easter and family. The second and third graders sang a song they had learnt the previous week after which a snack was served (everyone took something). There was a treasure hunt and then each family did an activity and the kids gave their moms the cards and little gifts they'd made for Mother's Day. All in all a pleasant morning was had (aside from the fact that we had to be up at 6 a.m. on a Saturday).

Those are the third graders in the back row, but Alina's so tall they put her in the back:

The girls checking out the other kids' models:

There's Alina's:

Activity time:

Laura roaming in the school's playground:

And here are a couple of pics of me looking PG with some friends and my Hubby at our freshman party:

I can't believe the first term is almost over. I have two papers to turn in this month, two evalutions and one test left to take ... aaaaaagh! I should get back to my studies.

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