Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Pathfinder

I started having a "literature appreciation" night with the teens (again) and we're working through James F. Cooper's Leatherstocking Tales series. We're on the third book (following the fictitious chronological dates) and just got to an exciting part, which will have to wait until next week because my voice is hoarse and it's late.

I quite enjoy JFC's style of writing, which is very descriptive, even though it takes longer to finish a story and wears out my vocal chords.

Our next reading project will probably be Emily Brönte's "Wuthering Heights", though it's one of my least favorite Brönte novels. I guess we'll see what the majority wants.


  1. Good old literature... how I miss it :(

    Liked 'Last of the Mohicans' well enough, but I can't say Fenimore Cooper's one of my top 10 favorite writers... eh-he :D

    Flor keeps trying to convince me I'll like 'Wuthering Heights', but the movie bothered me so much, I don't know how I could like the book, which I'm sure is even more intense than the film... hmm...

  2. Ha, yeah, well, I prefer Charlotte and Anne's books, but they're "too girlie", according to the teens (even though they haven't read them yet). Best of all is Jane Austen, though they'd kill me if I read any of hers, hehe.
